Indicative Storage Calculator
Please enter a number.
Enter a value in MWh
Please enter a number.
Please enter a value greater than or equal to 0.1.
Enter a value in CZK for 1 MWh of Working Gas Volume
Please enter a number.
Enter a value in MWh per day
Standard Bundle Unit Calculation
Calculation of Fee
* These calculations and prices are provided for information only. RWE Gas Storage reserves the right to change the calculations and prices without providing a reason. The prices may not be enforced by law. The calculations and prices do not bind RWE Gas Storage to conclude natural gas storage contracts under the conditions provided, nor perform any other activity or matter of business in relation to any depositing party or a potential party interested in storage capacity.
According to Decree on the Rules for the Organization of the Gas Market (Market Model Decree) RWE Gas Storage allocates the storage capacity as of 1st October 2008 in electronic auctions.