Internal Whistleblowing System

Information for Reporting Improper Conduct

Do you suspect improper actions to have taken place? Let us know without having to worry about repercussions or retaliation! Every report will be carefully reviewed.

Improper conduct means an unlawful action meeting the definition laid down under the Whistleblower Protection Act or any other suspicion of (potential) misconduct damaging to Gas Storage CZ or (potential) violations of laws, regulations or internal rules of the Company or other risks or grievances relating to Gas Storage CZ (such as a violation of the Code of Conduct) that have come to your attention in the course of your work or in any other connection with Gas Storage CZ.

Since 2008, Gas Storage CZ has maintained a Fraudulent Action Prevention Program, which was complemented starting in November 2011 with an Incorrect Conduct Prevention Program that aims to prevent improper actions that go against interests of the company. Upon the entry into force of Act No. 171/2023 Coll. on Whistleblower Protection and Act No. 172/2023 Coll., which amends Act No. 253/2008 Coll. on Certain Measures against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, this program as well as the company's existing whistleblowing system have been adapted to all of the requirements arising under the relevant laws.

Whistleblowers and other persons, such as the whistleblower's family and friends or persons providing assistance during the investigation of reports, have a protected status under the law and under the internal regulations of Gas Storage CZ, where the identity of such persons is protected and retaliation against such persons is prohibited in connection with thereby submitted reports.

The Gas Storage CZ Internal Whistleblowing System may also be used by persons who are not employed or do not perform work for the company within the meaning of the law. The protection is also extended to such whistleblowers, with the exception of cases of deliberate false reports.

Whistleblowers must have substantiated reasons to believe that thereby reported facts are accurate based on information available to them at the time a report is made. Furthermore, whistleblowers must refrain from committing acts liable to be qualified as a criminal offense in obtaining evidence substantiating thereby reported facts.

You can use several means to report your suspicions:

Gas Storage CZ Internal Whistleblowing System

A report can be submitted via the Internal Whistleblowing System:

  • In writing by electronic mail sent to:

  • In writing by regular mail sent to: Gas Storage CZ, a.s., Limuzská 3135/12, 100 00 Prague 10. The envelope must be visibly marked with the words "Do Not Open - exclusively to the hands of the competent persons".

  • By telephone at the telephone numbers specified for the individual persons listed below.

  • In person, based on an appointment with a competent person.

Competent persons responsible for handling reports include:

  • Mgr. Barbora Dřímalová
    Senior Specialist, Legal & Compliance and Compliance Officer, Gas Storage CZ
    +420 737 200 708

  • Ing. Jiří Švejdar
    Manager, Company Office & Services
    +420 739 537 585

  • Ing. Petra Trkalová 
    Head of HR
    +420 739 535 802

  • Ing. Markéta Reguli 
    HR Partner
    +420 739 536 040

The Incorrect Conduct Prevention Program and the Internal Whistleblowing System are the responsibility of the Compliance Officer.

More information on the processing of personal data in connection with the operation of Gas Storage CZ Internal Whistleblowing System can be found HERE.

Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic External Whistleblowing Channel

In accordance with the Whistleblowing Protection Act, the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic operates an external whistleblowing channel to the extent required under the law.

Additional information can be obtained by following this link.

Barbora Dřímalová