3. May 2023
Injection season is gradually starting
The first of April is the official date when, according to the Storage Code, the new storage year and also the injection season starts. This year the injection season started gradually and within a few weeks. We started injecting natural gas for the 2023/24 storage year for the first time already on March 20, but only for a few days. At the end of March, due to the cold weather, withdawal began again, and full injection did not start until middle of April. We measured the least amount of gas this season on April 14, when the underground gas storage facilities were filled to 53 % of their capacity and our customers had over 15 TWh of gas stored in them. This is a record quantity. For comparison: in 2022, the least amount of gas was stored on March 16, namely 3.5 TWh (12.5% full).