Gas Storage CZ becomes a joint stock company on 1 July

 On Monday, 1 July, the process of transformation of the legal form of the company was completed. Gas Storage CZ, s.r.o. was transformed into a joint stock company. The company is registered in the Commercial Register as Gas Storage CZ, a.s.

Following the completed transformation of the legal form, the company changed its management system as of 1 July. Instead of two managing directors, the company is now managed by a three-member board of directors, which will be composed of the Chairman of the Board, CEO Pavel Moučka, the Vice-Chairman of the Board, CFO Lubor Veleba and a member of the Board, COO Tomáš Diósi.

The change in legal form has no effect upon our rights and obligations vis-à-vis our business partners nor upon the rights and obligations of our business partners vis-à-vis our company. There are no changes to the contracts already concluded. There is no change in our identification number (IČ) as a result of the change in legal form.

As of 1 July 2024, our company’s identification details are as follows in accordance with the registration in the Commercial Register:

Gas Storage CZ, a.s.
Company ID (IČ): 27892077
Registered office: Limuzská 3135/12, 100 00 Prague 10 – Strašnice, Czech Republic