Daily Firm Capacity

Our customers can add to their firm storage capacity also additional injection and witdrawal rates

Daily firm capacity is a product designed for existing storage users that can improve its injection and witdrawal rates. Daily firm capacity is beneficial for example for financial reasons (price of gas is rising and customer want to witdraw its gas earlier) or necessary for operational reasons (cover the gas demand during cold temperatures).

The capacity is sold in kWh per day and is added to the capacity on your existing contract. Types of daily firm capacity are determined by time of reservation. These types also differ in a price that is set by us. Prices in the table below are indicative and valid prices can be found in Nomination System. Daily firm capacity can be resereved untill 18:00 GD-1, Intraday daily firm capacity can be reserved even during the gas day until 23:59 GD. Capacity can be requested in the Nomination System up to 90 days in advance.

Daily firm storage capacity is allocated on"First come, first served" basis. A request exceeding the available storage capacity will be rejected.

Daily capacity can be offered also via electronic auctions.

Prices of Daily Firm Capacity

Daily Firm Capacity
(reservation until 18:00 GD-1)

Injection capacity

Withdrawal capacity

1. 5. – 31. 8.



1. 9. – 31. 10. and 1. 3. – 30. 4.



1. 11. – 28. 2.



Intraday Daily Firm Capacity
(reservation from 18:00 GD-1 until 23:59 GD)

Injection capacity

Withdrawal capacity

1. 5. – 31. 8.



1. 9. – 31. 10. and 1. 3. – 30. 4.



1. 11. – 28. 2.




Flexibility customer can improve its firm capacity regarding its needs

Garanted Availability
cannot be interrupted

Short-term basis
can be booked for one day only

Early Booking
request can be placed 90 days ahead

Suitable for All Customers
can be booked 1 MWh only

Immediate Confirmation
booking is confirmed immediately