Interruptible Capacity
We offer to our customers, except additional daily firm storage capacity, also additional interruptible injection and withdrawal capacity. The capacity is sold in kWh per day and its offer is not limited. Available capacity depends on actual nominations for firm storage capacity and technical capabilities of our storages. Estimation of available capacity can be deduced from our daily published information.
Gas Storage CZ shall evaluate the requests in the order of the bid price, stating the highest price as the first price, and in case of identical bid prices in the order of the time stamps showing the order in which requests were received.
The minimum prices are following (these prices are indicative, currently valid prices are in our Nomination Portal):
Interruptible capacity | Injection capacity | Withdrawal capacity |
1. 5. – 31. 8. | 0,012 | 0,005 |
1. 9. – 31. 10. and 1. 3. – 30. 4. | 0,010 | 0,010 |
1. 11. – 28. 2. | 0,005 | 0,012 |
Intraday Interruptible Capacity | Injection capacity | Withdrawal capacity |
1. 5. – 31. 8. | 0,016 | 0,007 |
1. 9. – 31. 10. and 1. 3. – 30. 4. | 0,015 | 0,015 |
1. 11. – 28. 2. | 0,007 | 0,016 |
Types of interruptible capacity
Interruptible capacity may include interruptible injection or withdrawal of gas. If interruptible injection or withdrawal capacity is used, gas flow may be interrupted by the storage operator in case the storage operator is under contractual obligation to provide firm injection or withdrawal capacity. It this case the price shall only be paid for the uninterrupted part of the capacity. Types of interruptible capacity are determined by time of reservation. These types also differ in price as you can see in table above. Interruptible capacity can be resereved untill 18:00 GD-1, another type is Intraday interruptible capacity which can be reserved even during the gas day until 23:59 GD.
The advantage of interruptible storage capacity is that it is immediately available and it is priced lower than firm capacity. Another advantage is its flexibility - storage user, according to his/her needs, itself chooses between injection and withdrawal and decides about the volumes and timing. Advantage is also that storage user pays only for capacity really used. The disadvantage of interruptible capacity is the possibility of abrupt interruption of gas flow by the storage operator. However, the storage operator undertakes to interrupt gas flow only if the use of interruptible capacity would preclude the use of contracted firm storage capacity.
Interruptible capacity is a product designed for existing storage users. Users with a contract for firm capacity may use interruptible capacity for short-term increases in their injection or withdrawal capacity when it is beneficial for example for financial reasons (price of gas is rising) or necessary operational reasons (customer demand is spiking).
Short-term interruptible capacity can be booked for one gas day only. Request for interruptible capacity can be placed unlimited number of days ahead and for more days at the same time.
If you are interested in this type of capacity, please contact us.
If you have already singed a framework agreement for interruptible storage capacity with us, you can send a request for this capacity via our GSN nomination portal which is accessible for all customers. The request is always submitted as a combination of requiered volume of injection or witdrawal rate and a price (a minimum price is published in table above). Submission of request doesn't replace a nomination. A nomination must be subsequently submitted according to standard nomination rules.
Immediate availability
Lower price than daily firm capacity
Storage User decides about volume and timing
Flexible adjustment of SBU
Storage User can choose between withdrawal and injection