FIST product is one of products that can be offered in the auctions. Final storage price for bundle is calculated on the basis of SW spreads (difference between gas prices in summer and winter).

FIST is a product based on the calculation of the final price for storage capacity on the basis of SW spreads that will be calculated for selected days during two periods P1 and P2. In the first period P1, these days are selected according to the decision of the Storage User for a static SW spread, in the second period P2 these days are selected by Storage Operator according to the current market SW spread. A premium is then added to each SW spread in the form of an add-on (D), which is the only subject of the auction. For all periods P1 and P2 a Minimum and Maximum price is defined.

The product description and the methods of day selections determining the final price are always described in the auction conditions.


Period Long Enough to Use Best Market Conditions

Each Storage Year Can be Priced Differentely

Fixing Volume in Advance while Using the Relevant Market Conditions

Possibility of Securing Long Term Capacity

Final Price follows Market Prices


Flexibility of decision after booking the capacity in auction


Price is determined based on SW spreads (only at the day selected by Storage User)

Inverse Storage

Product Inverse Storage enables buy storage capacity together with the gas loan