Once a week, all you need


The WBS product is based on flexible cost pricing for storage capacity where the storage capacity is determined based on SW spreads that are calculated only at the Storage User selected days. The advantage of this product is that volume fixation occurs only when market conditions are favorable for Storage User. Storage User bids in the auction only on the so-called "add-on" (D), a price that is added (or deducted) to selected SW spreads. Storage User chooses any day of the week for which fixations will periodically take place until the fixation period ends. If the price of SW spreads after the addition of "addendum" (D) is on the specified fixation date above the Minimum Price, then the Stoarge User informs the Storage Operator what quantity will be fixed for the price. If the price is below the Minimum Price, Storage User has the right to decide whether to fix it or not.

- Storage User chooses any day of the week for which fixations will periodically take place until the fixation period ends, or until the full fixation of reserved capacity.

- If the price of SW spreads after the addition of "addendum" (D) is on the specified fixation date above the Minimum Price, then the Stoarge User informs the Storage Operator what quantity will be fixed for the price.

- If the price is below the Minimum Price, Storage User has the right to decide whether to fix it or not.


  • If the Storage price PD is below Minimum price, the Storage User has the right to decide whether or not to fix a certain volume

  • Suitable mostly for traders

  • In case of WBS+ possibility of not fixing the whole allocated volume


Flexibility of decision after booking the capacity in auction


Final price is based on SW spreads

GES / Green energy storage

Less emissions from gas storage