The price for the storage capacity is determined sequentially on the basis of SW spreads at dates determined by the customer
The SBS product is based on flexible cost pricing for storage capacity where the price is determined based on SW spreads that are calculated only at the Storage User selected days. The advantage of this product is that volume fixation occurs only when market conditions are favorable for Storage User.
Storage User bids in the auction only on the so-called "add-on" (D), a price that is added to selected SW spreads.
The Storage User chooses any day for the fixation and notifies the Storage Operator by 2 p.m. on the following day. These partial fixations shall continue until the end of the fixation period or until the entire reserved quantity has been fixed.
Flexibility of decision after booking the capacity in auction
Final price is based on SW spreads
Inverse Storage
Product Inverse Storage enables buy storage capacity together with the gas loan